
Ha. I don't like it much - the beard bit looks really good, I think. I wasn't so much doing a selfie, as using my image to explore editing techniques.
Tell that kid to get a shave! :D :D :D

Reminds me of an album cover

I like it quite a bit, Rob. Maybe just a bit less high key, but my main issue is the same as Pete's - the nose shadows/nostril. Burn that down some with a tiny bit of gaussian blue to soften the shadow edge on the nostril and it would be very nice.
Not sure if I connect at all Rob, sorry to say. But I'm all for trying new wacky stuff. of course I may look back some time and disagree with my own comment, It's known to happen.
That's ok. I don't like it at all now :)

Hey, don't let us talk you out of it. I think it has a bit or two that could be improved, but I like the concept and overall impact a lot. Just out of curiosity, did you specifically expose this with an eye to ending up with this type of image, or was it the result of experimenting with post processing? No wrong answer here ;)
Thanks, Keith. I had in mind going the opposite way to my recent portraits (not just of me) and thought of very bright, just a few features. So I tried to get as much detail in the exposure as possible, so that when it would be brightened further, the bits left would have some detail. But I never thought of going this far with it. That came from experimenting, pushing Levels to see how far I could take it. As I said, I never thought of it as a self portrait, but was just interested in the techniques. Partly successful, is the best I can say for it. It has given me some info, should I want to do it seriously with someone else as model.