I bit the bullet having never ever done it before, watched tons of YouTube vids, bought a pack of 20 opteka branded sensor swabs off amazon for about £20 at the time, the correct size for my sensor and gave it a bash as my rocket blower was not removing a couple of stubborn dust bunnies.......was really worried at the time but sooooooo glad i tried it, nice clean sensor that cost almost nothing, & nice clean images.
i think i got a quote of £45 to send of the camera for 1 clean, and i heard that many rumors on forums that sensor were coming back not much better that when they got sent, plus its the inconvenience of having to send camera away for a week.
I also Believe that some places do a while you wait service but it seems quite rare to find places that can do this, that way i guess you can check you happy with there cleaning job before paying haahaha
The swabs are individually sealed in packets and have a tiny amount of cleaning fluid already on the swabs, in fact you can only just tell there is any liquid on the swab end, they are quite flexible and you cannot be scared of putting a bit of pressure onto the stick when doing it.
I use 2 swabs and its usually spotless, i have done it about 4 times now and its ready for a 5th (thanks for the reminder)