Ship's Cat

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
I was shooting the 'boat houses' in Encinitas CA at lunchtime today, when this rather friendly moggy came out to see what I was up to.


Fuji X-Pro1 and 18mm Lens - f/2.8 - PP in Silver FX
2nd shot with eye contact

Coupla very nice cat shots there, Chris. I think the tone of that film you've used works well with that cat's black coat.
that outline puzzled me as well Lesley - so I revisited the Photoshop file and looked at the original color layer - prior to Nik Silver FX processing

It's there on my color layer as well - a halo effect between areas of high contrast that are very out of focus.

Will have to check the original files from the camera to see if this is a 'feature', or maybe a JPEG artifact (Still no X-Pro raw support direct into Photoshop).
I don't mind at all Lesley - Pulled the original camera file and it's not visible - my PP appears to be to blame here, using fill illumination to get detail into the black fur has produced the halo effect.

Better PP required!