Shooting from the hip

Jim Kuo

The man in the hat

Practicing shooting from the hip, it allows me to take more shots that I would otherwise be too timid to try. I like how this one turned out :).

Tere is an attitude in this pic , a very well caught attitude .....nice
Very nice Jim looks like she is fed up with waiting for someone
Nice Jim, I really like shooting from the hip, Martin Parr encourages shoot it as a fly would see it. ie not using the OVF but hovering the camera high above as a method of getting unusual shot from unusual angles and being a bit edgy and experimental as well as getting into the mix of can be a bit pappy but often works, it is also a good way of capturing images like this.well done, :)
Man she looks pi$$ed-off Jim! :D

Nicely done - I like the adventure of shooting blind, then having the discovery later when you review the shots.

So what nixed most of them - focus, getting the subject in frame???
Luckily not at me! :D

Thanks Chris for the kind words.

Apart from the obvious composition issue (had to practice at home to get an idea of where my subjects should be), I have been using this setup when shooting from hip with the X100:

1. F8
2. focused at hyperfocal distance (roughly 3.31-3.40 m, one or two clicks after the 3m marker)
3. 1/250 (it was a sunny enough day)
4. auto ISO
5. Burst mode
6. Use the camera neck strap so I have a stable platform

As long as I wasn't moving rapidly (but the subjects could move at a "reasonable" speed), I was able to get subjects between a bit less than 2m and infinity acceptably sharp, and became more daring in getting closer and closer to my subjects. :)
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