Critique Welcomed Shooting The Pier

Brian Moore

"Shooting the pier" has a different meaning to surfers here in Huntington Beach but to me its about standing under it and getting a shot through the support columns down toward that light at the end. I've taken quite a few shots from this or similar perspectives. I'm not sure why it interests me so, but I continue to gravitate to this spot whenever walking Sadie in that area.

Olympus XA3 and Kodak Tri-X 400 which I pushed to 1600 and processed in Rodinal.

Continue to be drawn Brain, especially if it keeps leading to more images like this. What's more is that you've also caught another like-minded fellow(ette) behind the pillar. Clearing peering down into the viewfinder of their Rolleiflex!
Many thanks, Pete. That fellow by the piller was actually playing a small accordian or a bongo drum or something. Yeah,...I think it was a bongo. But he does give the impression of peering down into a view finder. Thanks again, Pete.
That's brilliant Brian, lovely light under there hey?
Great minds think alike Brian - loving it - especially the way the brightness around the pier diffuses through like a mist - very atmospheric

Was it misty/foggy that day at all?
And a nice shadow selfie as well Brian :)