Critique Welcomed Smart Kid

What wonderful shadows Brian. No idea what's going on. At first I thought someone had nicked the wheels from his skateboard! ;)
It does look like a skateboard incident now that you mention it, Pete. :) Anyway, the fellow holding the sign has got some kind of message that he's scamming people on. (He's English, by the way!:rolleyes:) Part of his schtick is to ask the gathering witnesses to identify photos of famous people. He had a poster with images of Hitler, Edison, Darwin, Henry Ford, etc., and told people if they could identify 5 out of 6 they would get a dollar or 6 out 6 two dollars and so on. Smart Kid had won 3 dollars and then Flim Flam Man asked him to stand on the stool and thereupon commenced a new phase of the game. I didn't stick around to see what happened next as SWMBO summoned me. Thanks, Pete.