So, What Else Do You Do?

I have drunk to much whisky this evening ...
I don't agree, you were able to type therefore you must have been sitting up, therefore hadn't yet passed out, therefore logically you hadn't had too much...Yet!!!;):D:D

BTW Brian, my brother-in-law has decided to take up wine making as a hobby since he retired in August and he's been using me as a taster. I don't know why me:confused:.
But probably because I'm a human sink and I'll drink just about anything with alcohol in it:p:D
Glen, and me are birds of a feather! (I'll also eat just about anything.) I'm no holy roller but my wife and kids always make me give up something for Lent. For a few years in a row I gave up beer. (Thankfully the Good Lord made many alcohols!;))
I work for a defence contractor ....... Quality Engineer. I work mainly on Submarine Safety Systems, some surface ships systems. I guess I've been fortunate in, it's taken me all over the world. Before that I worked as a project manager for an Oil Exploration Company mainly in West Africa. With a stint in between doing some construction work, as an illegal immigrant in New Hamshire, USA for just over a year...... I read a lot (probably do a book a week) pretty much anything, if I like it I read it. when I get chance, which is rarely, I build scale models, again, pretty much anything. At present, and for the last 8 moths or so, it's a WWII Swordfish.......... I've got three kids, who thankfully don't live with us anymore 3 grandchildren, that I love to bits and another one coming..... That's it.

Doing pretty much what I did for a living, except I am now the primary client as well as the content creator. I really never had hobbies, since my work interests were also my personal interests. Now I have the luxury of refusing any proposed project that I don't find challenging. In the last year or so, I did a six-hour multimedia presentation that runs on a couple of big screens in a museum, during the hours they are open. I also designed a virtual set for a science show aimed at young people. It evolved into the workshop of a somewhat mad scientist type. The show is shot in a green-screen studio and the set is added in post. Explore it at
A Virtual Set Created in Shade3D 10.5

In the working copy, the video screen is also green for running film-clips, graphics and illustrations. We worked in 4k resolution.

Photography was the main stream through much of my working life, but I did take a time-out in the 1980s to work as an actor and director for a much of the decade. Then back into photography, with more of a multimedia slant, first in publishing and then as the capability of software improved and machines became powerful, any combination needed of photography, 3D modeling, rendering and animation, movie/video and music. Musicology major with a dissertation on "Late Medieval Monophonic Secular Song. Synthesizers are core to both multimedia and music-making, I play an acoustic modeling synth with a wind-controller and others with keyboards. Nice suite of software for scoring my pieces.


My music playpen. It feeds into a media acquisition and editing machine, behind me.

For strange multimedia made for personal gratification, see
LarryBolch - YouTube

What I do

I got into photography through aircraft spotting at first, & it grew from there, eventually ended up working in the photo trade & have never really got out of it.My main hobbies are windsurfing,vintage motorcross,photography of course & the family.I am able to combine the photography hobby with all the others which is nice & keeps me busy all the time.I also like guitars & have 3 of them but do not play them as much as I should these days, also in to music, mainly rock & blues, but will listen to most stuff & give it a chance LOL.
Been here at Bob Rigby's for about ten years now after getting asked to cover for two weeks.Use Canon gear myself but have a Nikonos 5 as well with a 35mm F2.8 lens on it but after having taken delivery of the Fuji X-PRO 1 I deffo want one of those and will use our demo one to it's death LOL.
If I can ever help out with any photographic bits & bobs or questions you may have please feel free to contact me.
I've probably told you enough while prattling on elsewhere, but for the sake of having it in one place, here goes...

In my youth I was a keen dancer and went to the latin american championships at the age of 17. I would never have made it as a professional due to my lack of size. I bought an arabian horse and following a bad accident where the hospital operated and I got gangrene, I gave up dancing and decided I would take photography more seriously. I was off work for 7 years at this time.

After starting work again in my late 20s, I was lucky enough to find time for travelling. When I was younger I holidayed with my parents across Europe, North Africa and Turkey. On my own it was Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Nepal and Mongolia. After my Dad died there was nobody to look after my animals and I haven't had a holiday for 18 years. I lost my Mum 4 years ago and with no aunts, uncles, siblings or children, I am the only member of my family left. I have a long suffering husband and nearly 40 assorted animals.

After my last proper holiday, I thought there was nothing worth photographing, so my camera was pretty much mothballed for the best part of 10 years. I'm not sure why I started again, but I'm glad I did. That camera was my main workhorse until recently - a 1980 OM2n. Fate led me to a 1940 Leica IIIb and recently a Sony A700.

Until recently I liked to "do dangerous tricks". Something I apparently wrote in my day book while I was at primary school. I have done white water rafting, abseiled down various buildings (including one of 17 stories), walked on fire and done wing walking on the oldest flying Tiger Moth in the world. I am getting too old for all that now. The other year I did manage a tour of the Brighton sewers, but it was nowhere near real enough for my liking.

I had a three day photography trip in Yorkshire last October and plan to go to the Peak District this September. If anybody has any advice I would be most grateful :)
I'm a defense contractor, as well, and probably work for the same company as Pete Sykes, based on his description of it. It's a British company, but I work for one of the divisions based in the US. I am director of strategic planning and new business, which means that I make decisions on which new opportunities for our company to pursue and then help write the proposals, for the most part. My division focuses on command, control, and intelligence systems for various aircraft, ships, and other vehicles.

My work takes me around the world and I am currently working on a program in Australia. Previously, I was in Korea for about 18 months, flying back and forth. I have worked as a mortgage loan broker, a real estate agent, a literary agent, and a hotel manager before finally ending up in the glamourous and sexy world of defense. (or defence, as most of you like to say).

Outside of work and photography, mostly interests include visiting cool architecture around the world, snowboarding, and eating and drinking well.
i'm a jealous as hell, you all have great jobs :)