have a look at the "going viral" bit
Is Facebook Making You Pay to Show Up in the Newsfeed?
so, how do you market your business in terms of social media?
I went to a seminar the other day where we were talked to about one element of twitter for half an hour ...
What I am trying to say is that there really is no simple answer...
Firstly I would ask you if you
want to market using social media, if you are comfortable doing it and happy to put in the time I can give you a few tips ...
1, be your self
2, be interesting
3, be human
4, dont just try and sell people stuff eg "wedding photos for £300" ... it doesnt work ... get people interested in you as a person they might want to give business to, not because you are cheap or whatever, but because it appears you know what you are talking about ...
5, talk about things that are connected to your industry, not just your business its self
eg with twitter, communicate with others in your industry, is there an event that interests you with a related hash tag? use that hash tag to talk about the event... use the @ to send other tweeters messages that might get retweeted (dont ask for retweets)
with facebook, like pages, post on pages interesting and relevant stuff
6, dont get into rows or be overly provocative
7, Use the platforms for there intended uses (see image above)
8, Use social media to link to your personal website... do you have one? does it have a "latest news" or "blog"? linking to such things is a great way to get traffic to your site... if not, use facebook as your blog and tweet links to stuff you say on there.
9, be "media rich" ... just text is boring, be creative! post photos, videos etc
10, build relationships with other users
I could go on, but i wont ... this **** cost money