Social Media?

Dan Cattermole

Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
What's up with Twitter and FB these days?
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My wife seems to be on FB all the time... If she earned a a pound per minute she was on there, we'd be millionaires by now, seriously! :)
Facebook is much the same as it's always been ... A large percentage of the people I know on there, talking largely shite. Though oddly, it's where I keep up with politics via a couple of people's pages I have "liked" ... Billy Bragg for eg. Im also a member of a film photographers group which is quite interesting on occasion

I've found a home from home on twitter though, have made a lot of film photographer connections on there from all corners of the earth. Since there aren't that many people on here too interested in talking to me about my interest in 35mm compact film cameras ... Twitter has filled that hole for me! It has a surprising atmosphere of community, despite its limitations!

Google+ probably has the most potential as a social media platform, the way it allows you to separate your contacts into groups is quite interesting I think... But not many people I know are particularly active on there.

I quite enjoy social media if I'm honest, many seem to look upon it with disdain, but I think it has a lot to offer... As long as you steer clear of the loonies anyway!
Yeah, You've mentioned this to me before... In fact, when I used to be on FB a few years ago and sent an email out to everyone saying that I was disconnecting my bond with FB, you where the only one to email me back and explain to me the pros and potentials of FB, in which I know they so exist. Nobody else did reply making me resent FB even more. People promote and successfully achieve their earnings through social media like FB, which is brilliant and I take my hat off. I just can not by pass the bull on there without getting agitated, and my tongue does not sit comfortably clamped up by teeth.

I will need to be a bit more proactive if I want to take myself seriously for a change. Might look into the prospects of google + and they have to offer.

Social networking is a very very tight lane for me, if it does not have my interest in it's intentions, then I'm not interested and lose all hope.
That's why RPF, Flickr, and Derelict Places are my only form networking. But that's not going to make me successful in life now is it?

Thanks for the advice Hamish, I'm going to get on google plus this weekend..... See how that pans :)
I trust the judgement from a successful person like you :)
haha, thanks Dan!

It's all about making them work for you ... the offering is so broad and largely undefined, they are pretty much what you make of them.
The twitter account that I use to tweet about 35mmc RPF and the forthcoming RPB (Real Photographers Blog) is @35mmcblog at the moment, though I expect to be changing its name soon...
I've used it to pretty much launch to the point that, despite the relativly niche subject, I get over 2000 visits a month (still actually quite a low number, but still somthing Im pleased with).
Appropriate thread start Hamish, went slightly off subject......

Yeah, definitely what you make of it. I've just got to stop being a stubborn Scrooge and maybe intervene with members of public more often...... And in daylight.... ;)
Interesting thread Dan and Hamish. RPF is really my only form of social interaction online. I can see some of the potential for Facebook for some businesses and know many people who keep in contact with immediate family and some friends and acquaintances on FB but, aside from you Hamish, I know of no-one who uses Twitter to any extent (or even at all). For my business, FB and Twitter have no real value but I can see that some businesses that can utilise it. Yes, I know that I could I could engage with customers and potential customers using these channels but, for the time involved, the value would be very limited (and there are several negatives as well). Most of what we do is confidential and our new developments are broadcast very selectively for a reason.

As a social instrument I cannot get excited about interacting more online (maybe I'm just a miserable git!). I like talking with people in person and on the phone so it is not that I am especially asocial. I do not own a smartphone and so do not check emails etc when out and about (and in fact rarely even make calls, receive calls or send texts) and so am not naturally inclined to interact via such a device. In fact I treasure the time when I'm out of contact to read, think, take pictures etc (and annoy complete strangers on planes etc by engaging them in conversation!). Maybe I am completely wrong. Go on, challenge me! ;)
I use FB a lot, with being on the R&B/Northern Soul scene most of my friends are spread over the UK and Europe so it's good for that. I also have a photography page which runs well and allows me to get stuff out there 'live' from shoots. It is what you make it, you can easily get lost in it or fill it with people you don't know