soft slight sepia baby photo LR Preset

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
This is obviously slightly corny ... but does provide a good example of a lightroom preset ... all be it a very over done one

Turns an image from this


into this


download here
its really just an ott example in the hope it might inspire some people to come up with the goods and make and share some more :)
did you download it Pete?
Are you talking about using split tones?
I've not experienced this ...
I'll have to have a look...
This was made a bit over bright for effect, it's really quite ott, but it got the LR preset ball rolling :)
... Ah, my brain has just kicked in!
Is it a sepia lr preset? One of the presets that comes with Lightroom ...
I'm with you now!
I was very tired last night! ;)
I you got into lightroom, set the image to black and white
Then in the split tone controls set the colour sliders to 46ish
Then up the saturation sliders to taste
That's a good starting point for sepia without anything else being effected ..
Ah, I just wing it...
I haven't played with the Lightroom out of the box presets much!
I didn't find the presets feture for ages after I bought the software so I think my process with the way it works took a different path ... I started, and still to this day, just work down the settings on the right hand column until I'm happy.
Since finding the presets I just use them to save my own settings and apply them to other photos within a set!
I have stacks of presets I have saved, sometimes I go back to them for reference but I just find my self getting confused with the setting I have used if I don't start from scratch each time ...
Silly really I guess, but I suppose we all have these different ways of working ...