Some Fully Manual results

Dan Cattermole

Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
Recently, I decided to get my Edixa out from under the bed along with my light meter

I had the roll processed today and it has turned out pretty well, exposure wise anyway.
The results have come back very 'soft' some out of focus admittedly but I knew that this would be a challenge from the moment Go, especially when there's active children involved and your using a 135mm lens...... then you've got to retake with the light meter because they've moved to the otherside of the living room where it's a bit darker! it's harder than I thought..... but love these little challenges.

I've loaded a roll of Kodak Gold 200 in the cam, but suprised to see that there is little contrast in the shots.
There are all straight from the negative.








I shot all of the exposures wide open, giving it that soft look, not realising it'd be that soft. lol
I might use Dodkins suggestion and carry a small note pad around with me to make a note of my settings.
Now that I know what it looks like at f/2.8 I'm pretty sure to say I'll be knocking it down a few stops.
But I'm quite chuffed that for the total of the 36 frames received including the cost of the film only come to £2.74!! I've got plenty of time to practice!! :):)

Thanks for looking :)
Dan!! Lovely!! Really these are wonderful!
These make me want to get my ifbaflax and put the trioplan on it ... In fact I'm going to do it now! Brilliant!
Hannah also loves them ...
drinking, me, no...? ;)
but yes, ifbaflax, although I have changed my mind ... I have been promising my self I'd put a roll of film through the zorki/summarit ... That's the plan instead as it should give similar results I'd reckon!
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Nice work for the first few shots fully manual :D what I have decided to do when shooting fully manual is to select what aperture you ideally want for whatever DoF you are looking to achieve then work out the shutter speed from there, if the shutter speed is too slow to hand hold then open up the aperture slightly. Just get out shooting more frames with the lens on different settings, you will find out what works best for the lens and the way you shoot. Also check out poundland for some cheap film :)
Thanks David, I feel better now.

Soon like me you will find that money goes missing out of your account and a bit more of the shelf gets filled with something shiny, either round and transparent in the middle or mechanical that makes clicking noises. This can be fixed simply be only owning small shelves :D

What is the camera like to shoot? Looks a fairly grand camera with a suitibly solid looking lens attached :)
Dan, I particularly like frames 4 and 5. All Manual Success!