Some portraits of mates at a bbq

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
We had a bbq last weekend (despite the rain) ...
I used to take photos of my mates all the time ... anyone who has me on facebook can look a few years back and see no end of photos taken with my nikon f3 with various fast b&w films ...
Im not quite sure why it stopped ... i love doing it ... and love the results, slightly tipsy people are often so characterful in photos! ...
anyway here are a couple taken on my D3 last sunday ...


I'll maybe take a look tomorrow ...
1600 I think ... ...
Must get silver fx soon I think ... I get the impression it would e nice for this sort of lark!?
I like the low shooting angles, and the glass carefully placed in the top left on #2 :)

B&W definitely works on these - your Nikon is looking a bit grainy though... ;)