Some shots of my wife in the woods

Ben Jennings

Well-Known Member
Hi everyone.
Just thought I would upload some pics of my every ready to pose wife from a walk we did the other day.
Let me know what you think.
Alice 001.jpg
Alice 004.jpg
Alice 002.jpg
Alice 003.jpg
Always nice to have a willing model! My favourite is the last shot. Nice composition and pose. Maybe a touch soft on the eyes. You could probably sharpen it a touch in Aperture and maybe use a small curves-type adjustment to shift the contrast a touch. Maybe something like this (hope you don't mind)?

Very nicely done, appreciate the tip, I too agree that it was a little on the soft side around the eyes!
Seems like the most difficult thing about people portraits is getting your model to look natural. Your willing wife made these photos quite attractive. I too like the last one for the post and lighting.
I like #4 - nice off-center comp, background is lush and well lit - nice lighting on the subject to highlight the face

You could have used a little fill flash, or a piece of card as a reflector and gotten a little light under the chin to lift it - maybe worth a try for next time around?

Not sure what ISO you used?

Might be worth going up a few notches to a a higher ISO to get a faster shutter speed in low light conditions - given the lack of noise on the 5D, I'd be thinking 640 or 800 maybe, depending on how dark those woods were.
Love the composition and tones on these. But I agree that the face could be sharper. It looks like the AF may have done you a turn, because in that last one that Pete redid, for example, the tree branch is tack sharp instead of her face.