Some vitomatic iia photos

Yes indeed, they simply reload branded cassettes with cheap and nasty stuff, there was a big hooha a few years ago about grey imports of film and a lot of it was reloaded stuff, it's been going on for years especially in single use cameras, open up to take the film out and there it sits taped up to the eyeballs with any manner of sticky bits and bobs, also in the past we've had films that were attached to the spool by masking tape, staples, black insulating tape etc., which is not evident until it tries to travel through the film processor at the tail end of the film.............. or in some cases, not attached at all

Of I sent you a film could you email me a smaller sample scan of one of the images to have a look at before I settle on it as a size for all of them ... You can say no, I know I push my luck ;)
... Ill get some film through a camera and get it to you first i think ...
Now im back in the office with my scanner next to me it seems less important to have high rez files.. i think i was just thinking lazy ;)