Some vitomatic iia photos

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
From now on im going to send my film to be pro deved i think ...
anyway, just a few snaps









This is straight from the lab scan


my tweak to remove some of the grain and fix the contrast


Ive perhaps not done the best job... but the quality wasnt great and im left a touch disolusioned with the quality ...
as i said to Brian in another thread, ill be sending them else where in future i think...
I like the color saturation myself. (And the pints are making me thirsty too.) What film Hamish? And what lens does the Vitomatic IIa come with? Thanks.
The Skopar is good glass I believe. Speaking of cheap film I can get some cheap stuff here on this side of the Atlantic. It's sold at a discount chain under a no-name brand, but it's Fuji film. Also Freestyle sells Arista film very reasonably and it is said to be Kodak. It seems country of manufacture is the key to the manufacturer. Made in USA? Only Kodak makes film in USA. Made in Japan? Only Fuji makes film in Japan. Of course, you have Ilford in UK and also some European brands (Efke, Fomo, I think.) So I'm wondering if Jessop's film states country of manufacture on the box or canister and whether this might give away the actual manufacturer?
Hamish - is that really that guys hair in the canal boat picture? Awesome do!!! ;) :)

When I think back, the bit that frustrated me about shooting film, was the local dunk and dip lab messing up my hard work, and the inconsistency of the final print results.

When I got my own neg scanner, things improved a whole bunch - and I ended up using a pro lab to do dev and contact sheet only, I could then scan and PP my own selections.

They didn't offer scanning in those days, or if they did it was crazy expensive!

After trying many films, I concluded that Fuji Reala was the best neg film for scanning, with fine grain and excellent density and colour - no idea if it's still available?
I'll have a look next time I buy some Brian
Just because it's made by kodak does that mean it will kodak quality?
Even kodak do cheap film don't they ...
It makes good sence, and it's a good way to know that it's not complete crap your buying... But id guess it wouldn't be a guarantee of quality film???
I never get prints Chris ...

How much difference in quality would te chemicals they use make?

Jessips always tell me they use better chemicals then max speilman ... But they wont tell me anything more to confirm this ...
The reply in max speilman was a simple "how would they know that?" ... A good point, but it doesn't help much!

I might see if I can get Joan to shed some light ...
Yes, Fuji Reala is still being produced, with regard to the chemistry question, yes it does make a difference, we use Fuji chemistry and take good care of both Frontier and chemistry ( after all they cost us an arm and both legs) you will find that some labs swap chemistry as and when it suits, cheaper offers, unknown brands etc, which of course is no good for continuity of quality.

What resolution do you provide scanned images in Joan?
Is there a film you would recommend? (bit of a silly question possibly?? ... "depends what you want to take photos of"?)
Im going to start using you for all my d&s (dev and scan ;)) i think so i might as well take on board any advice you can give me :)
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Hamish,...the Arista Pro 400 film that Freestyle here in the USA sells is widely believed to be Kodak Tri-X. It's good film. Also, Freestyle sells--at least for now--a brand called Legacy Pro. The Legacy Pro 400 is widely believed to be Fuji Neopan, and the Legacy Pro 100 is suspected to be Acros. Good films.

Walgreen's--a pharmacy in USA--sells film under their own brand name. Color film only. It's OK.

(I have a few examples of all of the above-mentioned films in my Flickr stream. If you're interested in seeing some I could post a few examples on RPF.)
I'm always interested Brian!
i seem to be rediscovering a passion for film here so anything to push the in the right direction is very welcome!
Our Pro CD scans = 3600 x 5400 pixels this gives a file size of approximately 20 mega pixels.
What films to use....hmmmm, as you say, depends on the subject although I had a preference for Reala or Superia for colour and
HP5, Neopan and the C41 process black & white films, (I used to love the XP2 films), could never get on with Delta and Tri X though.

There's a lot of reloaded rubbish stuff around, we've recently had a film in that appeared OK but was attached to the spool by cellotape!!

Joan - So some-one is faking branded film?
Our Pro CD scans = 3600 x 5400 pixels this gives a file size of approximately 20 mega pixels.
What films to use....hmmmm, as you say, depends on the subject although I had a preference for Reala or Superia for colour and
HP5, Neopan and the C41 process black & white films, (I used to love the XP2 films), could never get on with Delta and Tri X though.

There's a lot of reloaded rubbish stuff around, we've recently had a film in that appeared OK but was attached to the spool by cellotape!!


Is the pro cd scan more expensive?
What format do the scans come in?

I'm so pleased to have met you Joan!
I'm going to by my self some reala I think :)