Well the Sparrowhawk that hit the window the other day seems to have got over its little accident. It was back looking for lunch the next day but left empty handed after hanging about for a while.
Out of interest, whats your choice software for pp??
In lightroom there is a tool for getting shot of that slight purple fringe in no.2
Maybe in photoshop too?
Out of interest, whats your choice software for pp??
In lightroom there is a tool for getting shot of that slight purple fringe in no.2
Maybe in photoshop too?
Yeah it was hanging around for nearly an hour altogether.
For PP I use CS3. There is a way of tackling chromatic aberration (is that the right term for colour fringes?) but I only know how to do basic stuff really, plus I didn't really notice until you mentioned it....
Now then Glen to get him once is great to catch him (using the male as generic) Twice in two days is just greedy, i have been sitting around my back yard for nearly two years and despite being out in the sticks, having had woodpeckers tapping at the telegraph pole in the back garden and several of my doves taken by said beast I still have no shots........send him down to me please..........Great shots love them nice and sharp great eyes too.
I think maybe glen is actually a bird, or maybe a tree, or maybe a fence? Some sort of cunning cheating inanimate object! Glen, are you a sundial?
I notice these things coz I'm a pair in the arse
And yes, it is a chromatic aberration - it happens where the lens doesnt focus all the colours in the spectrum at the same point ... Somthing to do with different wave lengths ... Blah, science, brain fail