Critique Welcomed Stained Glass Detail

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent

Taken in the small Rutland church at Tinwell - UK

Detail from one of the stained glass windows

X-Pro1 and 18mm Lens (Macro Mode)
Now that is just lovely Chris. A superb rendition of stained glass. Funnily enought I was reading an article in a magazine / journal about church recorders. Some of the pictures were a bit dodgy but the work looked interesting and similar to some of the heritage stuff I do. Even though I'm not in the least bit religious, I wondered about getting involved in some way. This reminds me of that idea and I might follow it up when I'm back in the UK.
Thanks Pete - it's certainly a lovely subject - the bird on this panel is also on my old school badge, hence me taking the time to take the picture.