Still Life With Jacket

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent

by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

Now, I know it's not the most interesting photo ever taken...but bear with me...

I reset some values in the Fuji XE-1 (or is it X-E1? I can never remember)

DR 400
H-Tone -1
S-Tone -1
Colour +2
Sharp +1

...and I got a much sharper picture than normal. The whole image seems to me to be more...hmm...harmonised...I think. Something like that.

Well, I like it :)
I spent some time shooting raw, and enjoyed doing it. But I never felt I came close to the quality Fuji give me via jpegs. I've heard and have read all the arguments, but - with my own shots - the jpegs look better. Of course, my raw skills are clearly not as developed as many people's are. I've never felt the urge to have massive prints, I prefer smaller prints - so jpgs are fine. Anyone else want to "come out"? :)
Mmmmm Velvia - always a winner

Fuji's jpegs are a real selling point - outstanding out of camera files