Critique Welcomed Street Art people

adrian jordin

Well-Known Member
These were taken last week at the 2012 UPFEST Street Art festival.
Although I took loads of pictures of the art, I thought I post some pictures of the artists instead.

image1106_001 by jordin57, on Flickr
Although most is done with spray cans, fine work is done with marker pens or paintbrushes. You can't quite see it in this picture....

image1106_002 by jordin57, on Flickr
...more clearly in this one.

image0506_003 by jordin57, on Flickr

And finally a Sunderland lass who came down specially for the festival. Interesting place to keep the iPod...

image0506_001 by jordin57, on Flickr
Very nice collection. I find it ironic that spray painters use the most vibrant, often garish, colours, but the paintings seem to look better in black and white!