Street - Sk8er Boy

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
I think that's how it's written. Not great quality this one, with the ISO pushed to 6400, but I managed to remove the stubborn noise by hand. I like the reflective pose though and he was in front of some of the most interesting graffiti :)

Brilliant, really like graffiti shots and this is defo a corker.........!!

Oh Hamish - you are going to wish you hadn't asked! The older version of RAW didn't work very well and I was left with horrible green and magenta blotches. Anything neutral was desaturated about 50% and the floor was darkened a tad. I must have done something with the white graffiti, but I can't remember now. The boy was the worst and at full zoom I carefully cloned tiny clean areas to make slightly larger clean areas. The heal tool (if used in the right way) then created brand new cleaner areas and so on. I don't like cloning too much because of the repeating patterns. I'm sure there is a better way now, but I was working with Elements back then.

I've hand sharpened special photographs before now - lacking any decent knowledge of Photoshop, I tend to make it up as I go along... :D
Another great image Lesley. Really like this.
Blimey sounds laborious!
Good effort though!
I just use the noise reduction in LR I've never worried more than that ... Maybe I should ...