Street - Steam!

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
The FTP problem seems to have gone. I've been cleaning litter trays and giving pills and injections for the past hour and a half, but I need a short break. This was taken in Borough Market on a freezing day in London with Ron :)

Very good, liking the treatment very much, brings out the detail nicely! ;)
Great shot, Lesley. Would you mind posting the particulars of camera, lens and exposure values when you get a moment? (Oh, and what film, too.;)) Also, what's he cooking?
No problem Brian - I'll dig the details out later :)

I can tell you he wasn't cooking bubble and squeak. (Reference for Ron. He had asked me about this in an e-mail and then I found out they sold it at this huge market. We wandered around for ages, took a few photographs, but never found the bubble and squeak)
Lovely timing, I like the DOF use and how it separates the subject from the people in the background

PP on the shot has really brought out the steam nicely
Great shot, Lesley. Would you mind posting the particulars of camera, lens and exposure values when you get a moment? (Oh, and what film, too.;)) Also, what's he cooking?

OK Brian, I have the details now. This was digital, not film and I only have the one camera and lens. Sony A700 with the 16mm-105mm kit zoom. The ISO was 1000 because it was pretty dark (most of the market is under cover at the end of one of the London bridges), 1/60th at F/5.6. I don't do much in RAW apart from white balance, noise removal and preserving highlight and shadow detail. Tinkered with in CS5 using Color Efex and converted with Silver Efex. I never use the presets, just lots of control points :)
OK Brian, I have the details now. This was digital, not film and I only have the one camera and lens. Sony A700 with the 16mm-105mm kit zoom. The ISO was 1000 because it was pretty dark (most of the market is under cover at the end of one of the London bridges), 1/60th at F/5.6. I don't do much in RAW apart from white balance, noise removal and preserving highlight and shadow detail. Tinkered with in CS5 using Color Efex and converted with Silver Efex. I never use the presets, just lots of control points :)
Thanks very much, Lesley. I appreciate you taking the time to post those particulars. I always find it interesting to know such information especially when the shot is interesting and technically challenging to capture well. (Which is of course what you have done! :))
Liked it before. Like it now. You can be as humble as you like
but I was right there and didn't see this. You should live on
the street. Hmmmm... Zooey the bag lady :)