Sun through the trees

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
11 out of 12 from a roll int bad ... the last one was blured from trying to use 100 iso film in my living room at night ...
So yeah, this is the last from yesterday... I love my Hasselblad... in fact, if i didnt need it for work i would seel the d3 and all my lenses and go hasselblad for everything!


ilfosol 3 delta 100
That's a case of camera lurve that Hamish.... Really, you would sell your d3?
You must like Hasletblood alot!! :D:D:D
See, trees really aren't that bad after all! I like this Hamish. Even though it is potentially very busy, the sun burning through takes that away. I like the way the bases of the trees disappear into their own shadows and the small highlights on the branches in the mid / foreground.