Sunset Over The Georgia Queen

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent

Taken at old Fort Jackson on the Savannah River GA - X-Pro1 and 27mm Lens
Excellent Chris. I like the blown out bits, the subject is interesting, which is helped by the passengers casual debark . a superb image.
Excellent Chris. I like the blown out bits, the subject is interesting, which is helped by the passengers casual debark . a superb image.
Thanks Julian - challenging lighting, but I liked the final effect with a little Film simulation from SilverFX
Gotta quote Julian, just lovely.
Thanks Ivar - I was being eaten alive by the locals (insects) at the time, so just happy to have something to show for the bites!

Delightful, Chris. (Didn't anyone tell you you're not supposed to shoot into the sun?;))
Thanks Brian - I did see something about that in the 'Hints and Tips' section on Instagram, but I have a bad memory and just went ahead and did it anyway! ;)
That is fantastic. The lighting is beautiful. The old ship with the pylons and bridge in the distance hinting at the modern world make a great contrast.
Lovely stuff Chris and very nicely balance lighting. Shame they stuck their phone number on the boat though but I guess it helps people book the right one - I guess there must be dozens of paddle steamers called the Georgia Queen on that river! ;)
Thanks Pete - it was just a teeny bit commercialized :D

Wonderful, really nice. I have come back to this a few times. What do you think of the 27mm? Apparently no as good as the 23mm (which I don't own) but I don't have a problem with mine at all.
Thanks Paul - Like you, I like the 27mm lens. It's sharp and fast to focus, and the anti flare coating is excellent (as you can see). bokeh is not up top the 23mm, but that's to be expected.
In the end, the pancake format allows me to pop the X-Pro1 in the laptop bag on a trip - and still have a premium camera to record what I see - priceless!