Another synchronised moment found on the street. I don't think there is much profound meaning in this photo, but it does give me a chuckle when I look at it.
Pete this is a wonderfully complex commentary on the disassociate nature of the modern urban environment on man brought about by technology, changing gender roles, prevalence of media in our daily life. The man is clearly struggling under the weight of sexual tension symbolized by the woman towering over him in the advertisement, the baby carriage, and his need to stay connected via technology in an increasingly fragmented social structure. Note the silver diagonal of the lorry (ok..truck...) bed with the askew fruit. This fruit is clearly a biblical reference to the Garden of Eden parable. Also, note the blue and white patterned cloth in the back of said lorry/truck. See how it mirrors the verticals of the store front and advertising. That's the encroachment Pete. Loss of essence.