The brave one

Dan Cattermole

Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
I was on my mooch to my local shop when this brave fella strolled across my path in broad daylight.
I followed it to make sure it wasn't going to committ any daftness relating to....... Cars maybe or roads. Lol.
This thing had nuts of steal, almost like it was posing for my iPhone.
It sounded like a dog, sniffing at my fingers whilst I was trying to take a piccie.... Cute little bundle of interest I say.

Thanks for looking :)
I always wondered what happened to the hedgehogs in the Green Cross Code film that was on when we were kids! He's obviously the sole remaining member after the others where run over by a cyclist on the pavement while looking out for cars in a cruel twist of irony.
Awwwww - that B&W shot is fantastic - looks like he's on a mission!
Thanks guys, I was totally suprised that he/she didn't curl up in a ball.
Obviously I wasn't threating it too much then. It's amazing how I could here the thing sniffing. Lol
One night a hedgehog came into the garden, sounded more like a ten foot tall dog the noise it made as it sniffed and snorted and crashed through the leaves. You would think they were quiet but then again I doubt they really have much to worry about from other animals. A friends dog decided to attack one once and it came back looking very sorry for itself.
Cracking shots Dan
Thanks guys, I was totally suprised that he/she didn't curl up in a ball.
Obviously I wasn't threating it too much then.

Don't understand why you'd be so amazed, Dan. Have you looked in the mirror lately,...or at your avatar? I'm guessing he fancied you! :p

The B&W shot is a cracker by the way! :)