The coldest beer in town...

Brian Moore

...can be found, apparently, at the Surf Liquor Market in Sunset Beach, California. I've been wanting a fotie of this repository of fine wines and spirits for some time, but 99.99% of the time I pass by there is a car parked in front of that lovely hand-written sign. Got lucky on this day.

Took this with my Canon T70 and Arista Premium 400 film (re-branded Tri-X) which I processed in Rodinal.

Classic - loving that grain
Enjoy looking at these types of images. they say much about a place. My daughter has been given a canon FTb with Fd 50/f1.8. Heavy chuck of a camera. I am out of film, does anyone in the uk know of cheap B+W supplies?. Nothing fancy anything that works.I have used AG photographic in the past.
Thanks, Julian. I keep hearing that Poundland sells film, but I'm guessing its color film only. (I've never been in a Poundland so I don't know.) The FTb is a nice camera!
Enjoy looking at these types of images. they say much about a place. My daughter has been given a canon FTb with Fd 50/f1.8. Heavy chuck of a camera. I am out of film, does anyone in the uk know of cheap B+W supplies?. Nothing fancy anything that works.I have used AG photographic in the past.

Try Secondhand Darkroom Supplies - very competitive and a nice guy.


And don't worry, it is all fresh unused stock! ;)