The Dolmen

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
Lanyon Quoit is probably one of the best-known of Cornwall's ancient monuments, dating from the Neolithic period (3500-2500BC). It is believed that Lanyon and other quoits in the area were used as ritual funeral sites. It's possible that bodies were laid on top of the capstone to be eaten by carrion birds. So... maybe it is a picnic table after all :)

Cheers gents! I got there far too early and sat in the dark until I could find the stile over the hedge. The cloud was playing hide and seek with the sun. Every time it was about to put in an appearance, a higher bank of cloud drifted over. I had wanted the sun over the horizon, but I had to make do with it disappearing behind the stone. I get all sorts of fancy flare if it isn't partially covered :)
Lovely timing for the comp Lesley - I'm left wondering how the heck they got that big stone up there?
I haven't really had time to read it properly, but I got the impression these were mostly covered with soil - so think a kind of underground chamber. I have some shots of stonework taken in Peru which are even more amazing. Some stones weigh several tons and have literally dozens of faces that all fit together perfectly...
This is stunning!!
I love your work Lesley, just so crisp!