Critique Welcomed The Groom Being Posed

Brian Moore

My daughter got married last Sunday. Here is a picture of her new husband being positioned by one of the photographers for some shots prior to the ceremony. I had just loaded a new role of film. This was the first image from that roll. Half the frame was exposed to light in loading.

Olympus XA3 and Kodak Tri-X 400 processed in Rodinal.

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Fabulous, Brian. Miss Sarah has done you proud. I see you used one of those new-fangled, android photographers!

And congratulations to the happy couple. Which daughter?
Thanks Pete. I think this is my favorite of the shots I took. (But most people will likely wonder why I guess.)

It was Caitlin, my first-born who got married Pete.
Congratulations Caitlin and her fellow, not to forget your good self Brian, quite a day no doubt.
The image I am sure will be treasured, with your unique signature. It can of course be read in many ways by an outsider like myself, but am sure you have our own take from the accidental and uniqueness of the image.
Congratulations Caitlin and her fellow, not to forget your good self Brian, quite a day no doubt.
The image I am sure will be treasured, with your unique signature. It can of course be read in many ways by an outsider like myself, but am sure you have our own take from the accidental and uniqueness of the image.
Thank you Julian. Without explanation I believe it is enigmatic, which is one of the qualities about it that I like. Thanks again, Julian!
First of all, congratulations to the happy couple and the father whose images I do not always understand, but still appreciate as I do this time. Especially after his information!:):):) will we be seeing Moore from this happy event?
First of all, congratulations to the happy couple and the father whose images I do not always understand, but still appreciate as I do this time. Especially after his information!:):):) will we be seeing Moore from this happy event?
Thank you Ivar. I may show one or two more. Unfortunately I didn't shoot as many at the wedding and reception as I had intended. I had certain parental duties at the ceremony that limited my photographic activities, and at reception I kept getting stuck in conversations with people. Shame that. The reception was outdoors in late afternoon and the sunlight was spectacular. Most of the shots I took are quite mundane, even boring, except possibly for those that are in them, so I doubt I'll post many more. Thanks again Ivar.