The Last to Fall

Outside the apartment is a large birch tree. This always hold onto its leaves later than the Linden and Plane trees in the rest of the streets around us. Today, guts of wind turned the air into swirling masses of golden leaves.


Leica M9 + Leica Summilux M 35m f1:1.4. ISO 160, 1/1000 at f1:4.0. PP in LR and Nik ColorFX 4.
The leaves that are falling have falling i love the way they do their own thing without a care in the world.
It's a tiny fraction of the original as I couldn't get a narrow enough DoF to catch them swirling in the air straight outside without getting the apartment opposite more sharp than I wanted. If the wind picks up again I'll see what can be done by lamp-light though.
I do like the golden glow Pete - maybe a darker backdrop is in order?
Ooooo Lovely Jubbly Pete :)