The Leica Phone

Although I'm a Mac Man - iPhone, iMac, iPad - I really cannot afford the new iPhone 7s, which when rigged out with the highest storage value is over a thousand pounds - FOR A PHONE! Come, on Apple, seriously?

So, as my iPhone 4 was way past its sell-by date, I took a plunge on this android phone with the Leica-licenesed lens technology. I have it on 14-day approval. I haven't started to plumb the depths that the camera offers - two lenses, one b&w, one colour, which it merges, or you can just use the b&w lens for mono shots. So, the following are straight out of the camera, no editing, just auto. I had to reduce the size in Elements 11.

They were mostly taken from a train between Dundee and Edinburgh, with the phone up against the window.

What do you think? Potential? It's not a replacement for a camera, but can be useful in some circumstances. The jpegs are 2.5 MB.

Across The Tracks.jpg River Tay.jpg Tay.jpg Fife View.jpg burn.jpg
BTW, the little case on the left contains my binoculars for star gazing. They are really for bird watching, but the stars interest me more. It's amazing how much more you can see with a simple pair of binocs.
Cheers, Dave. Yes, they're OK. I'll probably keep it. You can change many things on it before the shot, but also afterwards, even the focus point, which is a new thing to me.
I have been keeping a keen eye on this one as I'm no longer satisfied with Sony's camera app. How is it in regards to shutter lag?
I haven't noticed. I just took a photo to check, and there is a bit, maybe a quarter of a second, but that's more than fast enough for my uses. Not fast enough for sport or birds, maybe.
It sure does contrast in Black and White. I'm certainly tempted. Luckily I have until July to make my mind up, but I always get heavily involved researching something functional, especially as we're tied in to 24 months on contract.