You have just reminded me I need to finish the roll in my Bessa!
That statue does make me chuckle ...
Yesterday I made the mistake of telling a "monk" in the street that I found the book that the last monk gave me interesting ... "OH??" he says "how interesting??" ... "not
that interesting" I say ... "I have my own views" ... That was a daft idea considering I prefer not to atempt to share them with strangers in the street...he started asking my all sort of questions thankfully I was saved by Hannah's sister who happens to be walking up the street! He was trying to the label of "general non-secular views" to me ... Trying to explain to someone with beliefs in organised religion that my views supersede (IMO) the labels humans gives things was turning to be quite hard!
That is of course the nature of having beliefs in the unexplained, or it least it should be ... They can't be explained ... Especially in the street in 5 mins
This is what I don't understand about religion ... I don't really consider myself religious ... I just have a believe in something, something that I feel, not somthing that I can write down or explain in the way that religion OR science do ... I personally feel that is a more sensible belief structure ... I believe in me, my perception of the world and my surrounding!
Belief in something as fragile as someone elses opinion on the world eg that of the most intelligent scientist, or most devout religious leader seems odd to me, why follow what someone else thinks, be that the most up to date scientist or the oldest religious views when you can use your own perception to create an ever changing ever evolving understanding of your own philosophy on the world ... why tie your self down to something??
As i said, I believe in me, after all, until I die
I really am the only constant! ... but try to explain that to someone who has a religion and wants to get you on board in 5 mins in the street is never that easy