The moment you realise you have a bad case of GAS!

Ben Jennings

Well-Known Member
So I'm off on holiday tomorrow to sunny??? Cornwall. I started grabbing my gear that I thought would be nice to take.

Here's the full list:

Canon 5D
Canon 550D
Fuji X10
Yashica Electro 35 GTN
Agfa Isolette
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 50mm 1.8
Canon 75-300mm IS
5 x Ilford XP1 120
1 x Ilford Delta 100
1 x Jessops PAN 100S
4 x 4GB CF
1 x 32GB SD
1 x 16GB SD
1 x 8GB SD
Remote shutter release for 5D
Cable shutter release
2 x Spare 5D batteries
1 x Spare x10 battery
1 x Spare Yashice battery
4 x 58mm filters
1 x 58mm hood
3 x Battery chargers
1 x Spare strap (may stick it on the yashica)
1 x Mini tripod
1 x Big travel tripod
Various USB cables and cleaning clothes

I think I have a bad case of GAS, do I really need all this for a week away, is it justified?? I don't know.
At least it all fits in 1 bag!

So opinions guys, am I nuts and over packing or do you have a similar problem when you are going on a trip when you know you will get some decent photography time??
The two 50's sit on the bodies for the different focal lengths due to sensor size. I forgot to mention there is also a macbook in the front pocket with backup external drive.

Oh dear, I really am crazy!

Part of me thinks just take the x10 and the two film camera's but the pessimist in me says, you will probably miss the rest if you don't take them, but the real question is, am I really going to use it all?
Probably not but, as you say, it all fits and gives you some choices. I took 2 Leicas plus 4 lenses, a Sony RX100 and Ricoh GR Digital III, a Mamiya 7II plus 65mm lens and 15 rolls of 120 film (and cards and spare batteries) to Prague when I was there on business for a week with 2 days tagged on. Loaded a roll of film and didn't take a single shot with it. Used all the others but only 2 of the lenses! But aside from a few extra kilos, it all fitted and the train didn't notice the extra weight!
Is that all you're taking...?:confused:

Are you sure 1 spare strap is enough?

Also, I see no:

Medium format
Large format
110 film camera
APS film camera
Compact 35mm camera
Mini-helicopter for mounting cameras on

Keep in mind you'll be gone a week, Ben!;)
Ben, this sound like a photographic siege and invasion. You will breach the walls of Cornwall in no time... ;)
Have fun! I always wondered about Cornwall. Leave something behind for us too...
Talk about feeling inadequate.
I only have my RX100 no spare battery only one SDcard (in the camera) and the charging cable (camera charges from my tablet charger). Photos I think are worth keeping (not many I must admit), are transferred to my 7" tablet. It all fits into my handlebar bicycle bag with room to spare for my sunglasses, reading glasses, pen knife bits of string and all the other things that used to be in my pocket.
Have had thoughts about buying a solar charger with integral battery then I need never stay in a hotel (will take the tent).
Talk about feeling inadequate.
I only have my RX100 no spare battery only one SDcard (in the camera) and the charging cable (camera charges from my tablet charger). Photos I think are worth keeping (not many I must admit), are transferred to my 7" tablet. It all fits into my handlebar bicycle bag with room to spare for my sunglasses, reading glasses, pen knife bits of string and all the other things that used to be in my pocket.
Have had thoughts about buying a solar charger with integral battery then I need never stay in a hotel (will take the tent).

That's how it should be Alan but don't worry, you'll weaken. And don't forget you can get those nice trailers for bicycles in Toom! ;)
I shot with the Yashica, but it was broken so lost a roll on that, shot with the Agfa, just got to get the neg's scanned (made the mistake of thinking I could do it with my Epson V330 Photo). The X10 had the most use and the 550D shortly behind that.

Photo's will come soon, just in the process of moving all my aperture libraries into LR on my new mac so once that s sorted they will be up.

I used everything thing but some only had very light use.

Also as a side note if anyone knows of a cheapish Medium Format Neg scanner let me know as I've got three rolls of negs that have yet to see positively!
Travel kits. If working from a vehicle—D700 with GPS, 14-24mm, 28-300mm. On foot, X-Pro1 18m 35 and 60mm, with the X100 along if I expect to need fill flash.

This is in general terms, if I anticipate something outside of the norm, then I take whatever is needed. I generally have the f/1.8 50mm lens for the D700 along, since it is tiny but excellent. I normally don't carry them, but can add a macro lens, PC-shift lens or super-telephoto of their need is anticipated. While the X-Pro does most of my panoramic shooting now, stitching in-camera, I have had great results with the f/1.8 105mm Nikkor on the D700 with software stitching. The 60mm on the X-Pro1 provides very close to the same perspective. Basically, the least kit that will do the job.