Hi Rob.
I've had my breakfast but haven't had any coffee yet. I'm also recovering from a head cold I collected in Bali.
Stand back. This could hurt.
A pleasant enough scene, seemingly casually snapped, although the overall effect leads me to believe the casualness was intentional, as one might glimpse something that reminds them of another time. I'm assuming this isn't an old shot but has had a hammer taken to it to give the impression of such. One might mistake this photo as a copy of a print found in a bottom drawer under the newspaper lining. The question raised would be "why is it there". Many people have left their grubby finger marks around the edges. Children, possibly. So this might be a child's first attempts at photography, an image worth preserving.
As a single image, yours shows great skill at presenting a possible story link. These types of photographs are in vogue at the moment with the flexibility of digital processing allowing just about anything. These types of photographs serve little purpose other than to demonstrate the editing skills of the photographer or to act as a visual stimulus to a storyline. They might hold a short interest to the viewer as a technical point of interest but little else. The true value of a photo lies in its content and form, not in it's ability to look old and worn, unless it is a photo of interest that is old and worn.
I'm assuming you had a bit of fun with this, Rob. And so you should, but don't hold to strongly to the technique used. A good photo doesn't need to be run through the wash.