So picturesque Brian. Beautifully framed and what a statement the large church makes in the composition. Great interest from front to back. Your trip to Prague has been so fruitful; excellent results every one of them.
So picturesque Brian. Beautifully framed and what a statement the large church makes in the composition. Great interest from front to back. Your trip to Prague has been so fruitful; excellent results every one of them.
Thanks a lot, Tom. By the way that church is called The Church of Our Lady Before Tyn. It is just off Old Town Square. The tall structure just to the right of it in the picture is the Old Town Hall clock tower. That tower contains the famous Astronomical Clock that every tourist to Prague goes to see do its thing. (Except me of course! I never saw it do its thing. I intended to, but instead of watching it I took a picture of the people watching it. Never did see why the Astronomical Clock is so famous, but I think it has something to do with mannequins and maybe cuckoos.)