The Zone 1 project

David Mitchell

Well-Known Member
Hi all,

As I work in London and am paying over £4k a year to get to work I thought I would use my travelcard for something other than getting to work.

I am planning this project to be focused around the stations in zone 1 of the underground, I was thinking about doing them all, but that might take a bit too long especially when going out past zone 6.

The plan is to take a single frame of something within a short distance from each of the stations (distance I haven't yet worked out as some are quite close together). I don't really want to take photos of the signs as thats been done before, but perhaps something like the skyline around the station exit.

Please note that a permit is required and costs incurred when filming or taking photos on the underground - ie you aren't allowed to do it, so I won't be taking any photos within the stations.
You could always photograph the police coming to arrest you. That would be fun :p

I think I might need to use the Nikon EM with the motordrive to take multiple shots then :D
Sounds like an interesting project David you could shoot from the exit form the station that might create a common thread to it, rather than a different type of view from each. I have a friend who shot seaside shelters along the south coast, he used a same approach, shooting from inland looking out to sea with the shelter centre frame, it seemed to work as a theme..

I like projects :)
A film at sundance this year called Escape from Tomorrow was shot on location in Disneyland entirely without permission ...

just thought that worth mentioning ...
A film at sundance this year called Escape from Tomorrow was shot on location in Disneyland entirely without permission ...

just thought that worth mentioning ...

Being thrown out of Disneyland is one thing, not being able to travel on the tube, not ideal lol plus there are so many CCTV cameras around lol
Great idea.
I'm trying to think what most of the stations have in common (though I live near Toronto I know London very well). It's a pity about not shooting inside. Something like the newspaper stands might be good - the vendors are often characters, and the customers and passersby can sometimes reflect the neighbourhood.

Good luck with it.
Good link David!

the reality is David oportunity for photos in and around trains and stations are so great, you would be mad to not indulge! Get a little point and shoot film camera likes the ones I've been rocking recently and people will barely even notice you taking photos!
*rolls out Speed graphic 45, dark cloth and Berlebach tripod* noone will notice :D
Great idea for a series

Me, I love getting stopped and questioned by rail security

I'm such a threat - clearly! :D
Great idea for a series

Me, I love getting stopped and questioned by rail security

I'm such a threat - clearly! :D

I ALWAYS get stopped at airport security, its a running joke in the family, I have even had a metal detector go off when I deliberately had NO metal items on me, not even my shoes had metal eyelets lol. The only time I haven't been stopped was when I asked my sister to put a reading book in her bag, she got stopped instead lol :D