This Girl is HOT!

Brian Moore

You can tell by the fact that her tongue is hanging out of her mouth like a big old ladle!

It's Sadie, captured with my Olympus XA and expired Ilford HP5 film that I processed in Rodinal.

Brilliant use of the dog to do candid street work Brian!

It is hot isn't it - proper summer weather this week :)
Hot and humid - left the french doors open late into the evening last night to keep cool, then spent all night getting eaten alive by gnats! :(

Bloody local gnats always go for me, and leave swmbo alone - must eat Marmite today as I hear that puts them right off :D
Hi Brian
A great moment captured. Hopefully may be getting some warmer weather here in th UK soon, it has been an awful summer.
Hi Brian
A great moment captured. Hopefully may be getting some warmer weather here in th UK soon, it has been an awful summer.
Much appreciated, Steve. I hope your hope for the UK weather comes to fruition. We'll be visiting Scotland in Aug and although I won't be too bothered by inclement weather (the pubs are always warm, after all) I wouldn't mind some good weather either. Thanks again, Steve.
Hi Brian

You will have a great time in Scotland. A visit to Edinburgh is worthwhile if you are in the area. I was there for the first time earlier in the year and had a great time. It is such a spontaneous city. You can be in a pup having a drink and musicians just show up and start playing. Great atmosphere, great music, great pepole and good beer.
Hi Brian

You will have a great time in Scotland. A visit to Edinburgh is worthwhile if you are in the area. I was there for the first time earlier in the year and had a great time. It is such a spontaneous city. You can be in a pup having a drink and musicians just show up and start playing. Great atmosphere, great music, great pepole and good beer.

Advice much appreciated, Steve. Been to Scotland many times. In fact, although my location says Huntington Beach, California, I'm actually from Rutherglen, on the south side of Glasgow. Nevertheless, I do appreciate your comments and recommendations regarding Edinburgh. I always try to set aside a day for a visit there whenever I'm back.

Thanks again, Steve.
Great shot Brian!
Some great background happenings!

I was working outside all day today and have sunburn ... I'm actually happy about it ... It's about time we had some sunshine
Thanks a lot, Hamish. When the pain from a sunburn eases and then the burn just becomes an annoying itch, I find wine to be the ideal medication. :o
Thanks Rob. She isnae hawf a bonny dug! I've had monie a dug in my life and they've aw been good dugs every one. But this yin's special; by far the best. I've resolved to not have another after Sadie.

Unfortunately, and despite what I said earlier, I doubt we'll get to Reekie this time, Rob. Flying to London. Then a few days in Paris. Then up to Applecross for the remainder. However, if we find that Edina makes it onto the agenda I'll definitely let you know. Thanks again, Rob.
I can see the young lady (shame about the shadow) but can't make out the cheap eatery!! Hang on a minute though, this really is a portrait of Sadie. I'm just so used to looking for the sub-text...

So when is your holiday Brian?

Pete,..My anniversary is over, SWMBO's birthday has come and gone, etc; no more cheap eateries on the menu for a while. :D

Arriving London on the 15th of Aug, Pete. Then straight across the channel by car/ferry. Three days in Paris, then back to Blighty. Train from London to Glasgow. Then by car to Applecross. Back to London on the 29th, then stateside on the 30th.

SWMBO has already warned me off taking too many cameras. (I had 4 or 5 with me in SF a couple of months ago and that scared her.) I'm thinking to take the 7d with the Tamron 18-270. Caiti (my eldest) will use that one. Also my XA (or maybe my new XA3), possibly one of my Brownie Hawkeyes, and maybe a Leica M4. (The latter's not mine; a friend likes me to shoot with his film cameras--he shoots almost exclusively digital, but has a large film camera collection--and he is insisting I take one of his Leicas.) I also have an XA2 (with a valuable provenance, it having once been in the possession of one H. Gill) waiting for me at my brother-in-law's place up in Applecross.
Sounds like the bare minimum to me!! I probably fly back to the UK on the 14th. If it's the 15th I'll look out for you in LHR!! :) I guess the M4 is just made for Paris! And a MF one would be good too. Plus the odd P&S for grab shots. Yep, 4 at the minimum I'd say!! :)
Sounds like the bare minimum to me!! I probably fly back to the UK on the 14th. If it's the 15th I'll look out for you in LHR!! :) I guess the M4 is just made for Paris! And a MF one would be good too. Plus the odd P&S for grab shots. Yep, 4 at the minimum I'd say!! :)
I'll look for you, Pete. I'm sure I'll have no trouble recognizing you ever since you posted that self portrait a week or two ago that I thought was a very pretty picture of you. :p