Three Medium Format Landscapes

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
I'm afraid I forgot to bring my light meter for this trip, but am pleased that the shots weren't totally useless. All of them came out, but all of them could have been exposed better. But I've done worse in the past, so I'll be thankful.

HP5 film through a Bronica SQAi with the 40mm wide-angle lens.

1. Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh


2. The Black Isle from the beach at Kinghorn, Fife.

black isle.jpg

3. Trees in the botanics. This one would have been better in colour, as the leaves on the smaller tree, centre frame, were golden with sunlight.

Lovin' the shot of the trees. I just love the way medium format and larger reproduces such incredible detail.
Yes Rob possibly another skill that will be lost over time. It is amazing looking at a roll of negs straight out of the fixer and know which ones are going to print perfectly.
I'm afraid I forgot to bring my light meter for this trip, but am pleased that the shots weren't totally useless. All of them came out, but all of them could have been exposed better. But I've done worse in the past, so I'll be thankful.

HP5 film through a Bronica SQAi with the 40mm wide-angle lens.

1. Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh

View attachment 14576

2. The Black Isle from the beach at Kinghorn, Fife.

View attachment 14577

3. Trees in the botanics. This one would have been better in colour, as the leaves on the smaller tree, centre frame, were golden with sunlight.

View attachment 14578

Not too shabby without a meter Rob, I normally use a Sekonic L758D but I also have a free App on my smartphone which is pretty accurate if I ever forget my meter.
Cheers, Paul. Since taking the above shots I've downloaded the "Light Meter" app to my android phone, and it works perfectly. But I also have a Minolta IV.
I used to use a Minolta when Film was all there was it was an Autometer 4 F mainly because I used to shoot portraits so flash was important. That meter died long ago and I no longer shoot portraits. I went for the Sekonic for the spot metering which I think is important for good negs and particularly good transparencies. I do have and use with my film Leica (M2) an old Sekonic Studio Deluxe which serves well.
Can't beat a good spot meter, but unfortunately they can be very expensive, and I don't have one. But, surprisingly, the Light Meter app has a spot meter mode, and while not as accurate as a real one, does pretty well. I think if you use the same thing all the time, you learn to get the best out of it.
Can't beat a good spot meter, but unfortunately they can be very expensive, and I don't have one. But, surprisingly, the Light Meter app has a spot meter mode, and while not as accurate as a real one, does pretty well. I think if you use the same thing all the time, you learn to get the best out of it.
Very true.
Hi Rob, I can now confirm that my new kit is working fine so I thought I'd share my first shot here if you don't mind.

Letterbox-1 downsize.jpg

Had to tweak the contrast from the original scan and correct verticals but otherwise straight shot with the 80mm.