Tom Got Me In The Mood...

Brian Moore

Moderator take some pinhole camera shots. Today I'm going to load up my modified Vivitar PN2011 pinhole cam with some BW film and get a few shots. First, though, I though I'd post a few I'd already taken. These were all with 200 ASA film in the Vivi.

#1: I wanted to post this one because it shows how depth of field is infinite. Look at the grain in the wooden shelf in the foreground. It's equally sharp (or equally un-sharp, if you like) with everything else in the image. I can't remember how long I exposed this exactly, but it was probably about 6-10 seconds.


#2: This one is a 6 second exposure. It was on that piece of furniture against the wall that I took #1 above.


#3: I wanted to post this one because its a much longer exposure. It was 6 minutes. It was taken at the library, where I had gone to get a book for Sadie. While I was looking through a few choices I set my camera on a table, opened the shutter and waited.


#4: This one is the result of an accidental double-exposure.

When I saw the title, I feared the worst! :D

Very cool shots - that DOF trick is crazy

The double exposure is rather fortuitous :)
When I saw the title, I feared the worst!
Chris you naughty boy! What could you possibly have been thinking? :D

Yeah,..the DOF is a remarkable thing about the pinhole cams. Thanks for the comments, Chris.
I was even more worried!!!
Tom that tells me you're a naughtier boy than Chris even! :D

Sorry, Tom. It wasn't my intent to poop on your pinhole. Feel bad now! I thought your images were very cool and they got me excited about pinhole images that's all.
Does anyone know if it is possible that sharper shots can be got with film than digital with a pin hole?
Dont know why, there is somthing in the back of my head telling me I have read somthing like that ... Due to the thickness of film or somthing??

Anyway, very nice Brian!
The double exposure is a very confusing image eh?
Thanks Hamish.
The double exposure is a very confusing image eh?
At first I was going to say "not to me" since I know what I'm looking at. Then I looked at the image again, and now I think it may be a triple exposure. (There's bits of it I recognize but cannot explain why they're located where they are in the image.) Yes, it is confusing.

Does anyone know if it is possible that sharper shots can be got with film than digital with a pin hole?
I don't know the answer to this question, but relative to sharpness per se, I believe the sharpness of a pinhole image is dependent on two things: the size of the pinhole relative to the distance between it and the film, and the symmetry of the hole (you want it as near round as possible, and with no raggedy edges.)