Tower Bridge

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
I'm not really sure where to post this. It's a bit of street, there is certainly architecture, but perhaps it is too much of a puzzle for this section.

Tower Bridge reflected in the windows of City Hall...

On a roll with the abstract views Lesley - I love the way the familiar landmark is fractured, and the people appear to be doubled up.

How tricky way the focus in the reflection?
I think I could spend a lot of time looking at this
The inclusion of people walking past was a very good move I think!
I'm really not sure what section it belongs in the forum, I guess architecture is probably the most appropriate though!

I'd definitely have gone with manual focus for a hot like this, but regardless of how difficult it was you pulled it off and that's what matters!

As Larry often says, some time spent flicking through that camera manual is time well spent ;)
Liked it before Zooey and like it now.
With your talent for street work, you
should get a tent and move in with the
protest people we saw when we walked
around :) Then you'd be right there all the
time. Can you imagine the images you
could get :)
Another beauty Lesley. Manual focus all the way on this one I'd think. (You must spend a fortune in black frames and white matting.;))
I think I could spend a lot of time looking at this
The inclusion of people walking past was a very good move I think!
I'm really not sure what section it belongs in the forum, I guess architecture is probably the most appropriate though!

I'd definitely have gone with manual focus for a hot like this, but regardless of how difficult it was you pulled it off and that's what matters!

As Larry often says, some time spent flicking through that camera manual is time well spent ;)

I spent plenty of time flicking through the camera manual, but anything that went in my brain was quickly replaced by drug doses for the animals, blood testing, learning about hypertrophic cardiomyopathy... things like that :eek: