Critique Welcomed Train station Nijmegen

Very, very nice. One of your best. She seems a bit alone there. It would seem even more so if not for the figure in the background.
Good shot, Rense. The figure in the background doesn't detract from the overall feeling of the image for me.

How do you pronounce Nijmegen? Nigh Meegan?

Pffff.... that's quite a question, I would say something like Neigh-May-Gun, with the g in Gun not like a soft k, as done almost everywhere, but more like a Jewish/Dutch g, so, like scraping your throat.... And neigh as nèeèj

And the accent fals on Nij!
Beautiful shot. Considering the backlighting and deep foreground shadows I think you exposed this perfectly, Rense. Its a fine composition, too.
Clone it? Neglect his existence?
And thank you, John!
Leave it? I don't know. I'm not even sure if that distant figure adds to or detracts from the photo. It's more about the story behind the photo. Without that other figure, you are left to wonder what this lone person is doing here. No car park in the distance, no building she might have come from. That leaves only the train, but if she got off a train where are the other passengers? That male(?) figure in the background changes things. It adds another human in the mix. One who is near where she might have come from. As I said, it changes the photo, whether for good or bad I don't know.