Tree in Motion I

As it as nice and windy this evening I went out to see if I could get closer to what I was after the other day while the sun was nice and low. This time I used a longer lens.


Hasselblad 503CW + Zeiss Sonnar 180mm f1:4 onto a PhaseOne P45 back. ISO 100, 1/15s at f16. PP in LR and Nik SilverFX Pro 2.
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I join Brian on his assessment, Pete. You've gone beyond photography. :)
Good stuff, Pete. If you hadn't given it away in the title, I would have enjoyed working out what it was all about. But I still enjoyed looking at it - now both. The first has a feeling of a forest fire, which gives it great energy. Not so sure if the second quite has that, but is still interesting. Good stuff.