Lesley Jones
Otherwise know as Zooey
I'm surprised I lasted the first day in the Peak District. I'm not built for walking or climbing, but in less than 24 hours I had climbed Winnat's Pass, Mam Tor, then down to Headstone Tunnel (and all the way back up again). By mid afternoon I had found The Roaches, but to be honest I was too tired to bother. Somehow I clambered up for a closer look at Hen Cloud, but it was too early for photographs. I was scared of making my way down after sunset and had already decided to head for a derelict barn way up the other end. I took something for the record (and which has eluded my processing), but on the way back to the car I spotted this tree against the haze. The Sony goes berserk with sun behind grass, but for once I have resisted turning down the yellow too much.
It almost made it worth jarring my knee on the descent
It almost made it worth jarring my knee on the descent