Trying to get my mojo back...

Dave Farnes

Well-Known Member
Been very uninspired recently, sign of the times no doubt.

Had genuine reason to go to Eastbourne yesterday, so combined business and excercise by walking back via Holywell and the Downs.





No bluebirds over the white cliffs...somebody has been having is on!

Fine shots, Dave. Mojo comes and goes, that's something I've had to get used to over the years, not just in photography. But there is something else going on just now, and I've heard of many creative people who despite having extra time on their hands, just cannot get things happening at all. Writers, musicians, artists - we expect to be in a really creative situation now, reacting to the "new normal", but it is just sucking the energy out of us, the creative energy.

So, don't worry about your mojo, Dave. It'll come back fighting. In fact it is already beginning to. 4 + 5 are beautiful.
Thank you folks.

Pleased to hear that it is not only me! I included the train station just because I was struck by how something as commonplace as getting a train has become so unusual, can only be done with justifiable reason now.