Very very sorry but this is NOT working like I am used to.
I tried to follow Hamish's instructions but honestly got lost
from the start. The steps I took were :
Post new thread
Typed body of post
Clicked on manage attachments
Got file upload manager
Clicked Add Files
Clicked Select Files
Highlighted image
Clicked Open
Clicked Upload Files
Highlighted both thumbnails in Home folder and Attachments
Then , finally , rather than click " Insert Inline" as I always have , I clicked
"Done" and got the same result except with the box around the thumbnail.
I was unable to find an " image button" , a place to click "from URL" , etc.
Maybe it's cause I'm uploading from my computer and don't have a URL ??
I told you I was illiterate .
Again, very sorry to be so much trouble.
EDIT : Yes Yes Hamish. I'm uploading from the computer.
Sorry, I was typing when you replied.