Critique Welcomed Two-Man Band

Brian Moore

Shot this image last year, pre-pandemic, at Timeless Pints, a micro-brewery in Lakewood, California.

Every Sunday afternoon this brewery featured live music and Linda and I would go regularly to listen. (I'd have a beer while there, too.) The musical acts were invariably good. This band called themselves "Cloudburst," and for just two blokes they created a big sound.

Olympus XA2 with Arista 400 film.

Were they singing Abba's greatest hits?
lol. That would have been fine with me! :)

Thanks Rob.

Well I haven't seen a "Yes" teeshirt for many years! That is a very fine shot indeed, Brian. Just the right amount of movement to capture the feel.

Forget about the guitar, what sort of beer was it?! ;)
Thanks Pete. It was their IPA. Always their IPA. (Thanks for keeping the conversation on track.)