Tywyn Foot Bridge Startrails

Darren Turner


Untitled by Darren Turner, on Flickr

The new foot bridge over the Afon Dysynni near Tywyn having my first REAL play around an star trails (60 jpegs) at some ungodly hour this morning - untill about 4am :-), its by no means perfect but came out much better than i expected


(not been around forum much as sooooo busy with work at moment)
Top shot Dazza! You know this is right up my street..... Or bridge. Lol
cheers guys............i am hooked now DD, light mummies are next :-) .....shame its overcast tonite or i would be out again haha.........goosed though now as had to be up at 7am today for breakfasts in hotel hahaha
cheers guys............i am hooked now DD, light mummies are next :-) .....shame its overcast tonite or i would be out again haha.........goosed though now as had to be up at 7am today for breakfasts in hotel hahaha

A proppa bloke would have stayed up to shoot the sunrise and then get breakie ;) [ner]
7am!! that's a sleep in to me.

Very nice Darren never tried star trails before.
Oooohh please crack a light mummy on?! Can't just be me who is crazy! Lol
I had to cook breakfast for full hotel or i defo would have stayed out longer for sunrise KK

O you must try it Glen.......lots of fun............as long you aint scared of dark
Very tasty - so is this one of those stacked images then?

How does that work?
yes this is about 60 images merged into 1 using some free software called star trails.

camera on a tripod, focus to infinity then basically take a mimimum of 60 x 30 seconds exposures, each one directly after the last (no gaps in between each) then the software does the rest.

more photo you take the longer the trails appear, try finding north star / polaris if you can that it the north point of the axis the earth spins from

High iso makes stars more visible, do few test shots firsts to work put aperture to keep image quite dark, less light in sky or light from other source IE street or towns the better

that's really nice. Which reminds me I haven't tried star trails yet myself. (and reminds me I haven't been to Tywyn for nearly 20 years).

It must be a new bridge, Google maps only has the footings at each end, if I've got the right bridge.

Can I ask what settings you used?