Velvia Medium Format Rb67 Macro

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
These are my first shots with the Mamiya RB67 Macro 140mm f/4.5 lens without any extension tubes - not really macro, then, but a very nice close up.

I lugged the RB67 and heavy tripod up to the garden of the Modern Art Museum. These are completely unedited, save for a reduction in size, and conversion to jpg from the tiff scans.

The Velvia came out beautifully, I think. But let me know what you think of the exposures. I used the "Light Meter" app on the iPhone.

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The exposure looks good this end Rob. Like the third and fouth a lot, not that I do not like them all. I can see some fantastic light captured. I'd do lots more lugging it looks worth while. Those blues are beautiful as well.
An osteopath my be handy as well ;)
Lovely stuff Rob. Maybe a tiny bit underexposed but you have kept nice detail in the highlights (especially the first) and there is probably a bit more detail to be had from the shadows if that is what you want. Did you use incident metering?
Thanks, Pete. yes, incident metering. I can easily adjust these, but next time I'm out and about, I might add a +1 EV, what do you think?
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Thanks, guys. I'm really impressed with the lens - nice detail and a beautiful bokeh. I did a couple of shots indoors, but they are too dark, and not impressive. Need better lighting.
Lovely jubbly Rob - can't beat a bit of Velvia

As Pete mentioned, it's very exposure sensitive, so 1/2 stops or 1/3 stops if you have 'em

MF just looks so good - I'm going to have another bash myself - you've encouraged me
Rob, Velvia 50 is how my mind sees the World :)
And what drugs do you take to help you with that? I want some!

:D :D :D