Vintage Cameras are the in thing (apparently)

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Saw this ad in the window of a clothes store at the local mall - and was immediately taken by the gorgeous looking...


... camera she's holding! ;)

The store is Michael Kors - and their spring collection features a couple of nicely proportioned, and rather stylish vintage cameras.


You think she'd be interested in the forum Hamish? - she looks keen! :D
To be fair Brian, I bet it's seen a few rolls.... ;)
I'm thinking leather Rob.. you? :)
Here's another well maintained example from the Spring Catalog


Camera bag looks awesome Pete - looks like this one could carry a Blad or two easily! ;)
May have gone a little far south with that one Paul!
No synthetic materials were harmed in the making of this large messenger bag!
In fact - next time I see one of those 'which bag should I buy' threads on DPR - I'm posting that 2nd picture and saying that I've found this bag to be extremely practical and very low-key in the urban environment ;)
I would have thought a brick wall print bag would be all the rage for all those times you want to check distortion of your new lens but find yourself in the countryside. God forbid you should want to just use the bloody thing to take a real photograph.
You know why vintage cameras are 'in' don't you ? people have used the Fuji x series and decided they want the real thing instead of a modern imitation :p (currently running like hell )