watkins glen state park

What a stunning place Beth - the mix of greenery and rock, that crazy bridge in the last shot!

Love the way the falling water catches the light as well

Looks like it might have been rather treacherous underfoot?
Whoa I've got some serious jealousy going on here. I better not show these to my dogs. :)

Those are stunning photos!!!!!! The compositions are incredible.
For me that last shot is the best of the series, I love it.
Add me to the admirers of the last shot, it is spectacular
Fabulous set Beth. And, as the others have said, that last one really is a bit special. If you had a mind to, the lower half of number 3 would provide a great square crop! :)
i cropped a version like that too, it was going to be b&w but then we got busy at work and it's still sitting in the folder to be finished..

- - - Updated - - -

thanks everyone. the last shot is the classic watkins glen shot everyone gets. i think i'll need to reprocess these properly if adobe ever figures out the smudging issue, i had a really bad case of the smudgies this time for some reason.