Watson Lake - Prescott AZ

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Went on a photo scouting trip today with SWMBO - over the Mingus Mountains to Prescott AZ.

Here's a great new (to me) location - the granite dells of Watson Lake AZ






All shots 5D2 and 17-35 f2.8L - CPL

I agree Chris, the composition of the first one is super (the view's not bad either!). If it was me, I'd probably crop the second B&W shot just on the water mark on the diagonal rock on the left - I find the stone at the bottom disturbs the composition.
That's a beautiful spot. Great shots, too, Chris. I like the first one especially. I also like the 3rd b&w one very much. (All the rocks are pointing toward that peak on the horizon. It's a real nice effect. Going back to the first one again I notice that there are a couple of peninsulas of rock point to the peak in THAT photo too. That must be what appealed to me immediately--and subliminally.) Great stuff Chris.
i love the sence of scale given by the folk in the canoes in the first couple .. really made me double take and re look at the others!